One of the best memories for me as a child was to visit or to be visited by my grandma(sweetly nicknamed Amamma by us). Every visit to be full of fun and games, sometimes it included all my whole family- seems like a life time ago now. She gave us(her grandchildren) a hobby- to collect pictures of all the animals and birds from newspapers and magazines and stick them in a book. It was a competition of sorts, one who manages to collect most pictures got a prize. This went on for quite a few years but as always, most of us lost the urge for the prize and moved on. I did too but I had discovered something from this little hobby of mine- I was in love with wildlife. Animals fascinated me, their way of life, behavior pattern, their defense mechanism- everything about them did.
Honestly speaking, I didn't realize that I loved wildlife at that point of time. Oh sure, I used to watch animal planet every living moment, used to admire the photos of animals on newspapers for a long time but I just thought it was natural to be curious about other creatures as any child would probably be. I had a particular liking for snakes. I know it seems creepy to most people but I only see them as the most misunderstood creatures. Snakes have adapted themselves amazingly to all the weather and terrain conditions of earth. As have most of the other animals on earth. I loved visiting zoos, national parks and bird sanctuaries. I had to literally be dragged away from most cages. They were all so fascinating, so beautiful. I could never even imagine anyone wanting to hurt these magnificent creatures but I was obviously in my fantasy world.
It was only a few years later, that I realized how mistaken I was. It was quite a shock. Animals are killed for their hide, claws, teeth,'s a never ending list. Worse, even if they escape being killed some are abused so badly in the name of human needs- domestic animals like hens and pigs given steroids to make them fatter, beating up of dogs to make them realize humans are masters, using them as testers for most of human cosmetics...How fair can this be?? They might not be the most evolved or most beautiful of creatures but they have every right to live on earth as much as we do. Now, my personal view does not extend to man eating tigers or disease spreading insects but there has to be a balance- that's how mother nature gave it to us.
As an Indian Hindu, we believe most animals are a form of god and worship them. Maybe this protects these animals to an extent here in India but there is news every other day of poaching here also. Why can't we live in peace with fellows creatures? Does it make us look inferior? When we can accept animals with feeling in stories and animated movies why not the real life?Maybe they don't talk any language known to humans as in cartoons but they do talk and feel pain as humans do. Being a vegetarian (by chance not choice), I was pretty happy that I wasn't hurting any creature. Even if I had had a choice I couldn't bear hurting other animals for my selfish needs.
It took me a while to realize that a lot of global issues we have now- global warming, air pollution, growing number of diseases- are all related to each other and the root cause of it is the human beings unending selfishness. In conclusion I would just like to request everybody to stop buying leather or ivory products for a start. Only if there is demand will the poaching happen and if there isn't, these animals might just have a chance to live. It's a start.
Honestly speaking, I didn't realize that I loved wildlife at that point of time. Oh sure, I used to watch animal planet every living moment, used to admire the photos of animals on newspapers for a long time but I just thought it was natural to be curious about other creatures as any child would probably be. I had a particular liking for snakes. I know it seems creepy to most people but I only see them as the most misunderstood creatures. Snakes have adapted themselves amazingly to all the weather and terrain conditions of earth. As have most of the other animals on earth. I loved visiting zoos, national parks and bird sanctuaries. I had to literally be dragged away from most cages. They were all so fascinating, so beautiful. I could never even imagine anyone wanting to hurt these magnificent creatures but I was obviously in my fantasy world.
It was only a few years later, that I realized how mistaken I was. It was quite a shock. Animals are killed for their hide, claws, teeth,'s a never ending list. Worse, even if they escape being killed some are abused so badly in the name of human needs- domestic animals like hens and pigs given steroids to make them fatter, beating up of dogs to make them realize humans are masters, using them as testers for most of human cosmetics...How fair can this be?? They might not be the most evolved or most beautiful of creatures but they have every right to live on earth as much as we do. Now, my personal view does not extend to man eating tigers or disease spreading insects but there has to be a balance- that's how mother nature gave it to us.
As an Indian Hindu, we believe most animals are a form of god and worship them. Maybe this protects these animals to an extent here in India but there is news every other day of poaching here also. Why can't we live in peace with fellows creatures? Does it make us look inferior? When we can accept animals with feeling in stories and animated movies why not the real life?Maybe they don't talk any language known to humans as in cartoons but they do talk and feel pain as humans do. Being a vegetarian (by chance not choice), I was pretty happy that I wasn't hurting any creature. Even if I had had a choice I couldn't bear hurting other animals for my selfish needs.
“The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but "Can they suffer?”
― Jeremy Bentham
“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”
― Leonardo da VinciI try to discourage most of people I know from using leather or ivory products. It just doesn't feel right now, does it? I know evolution says " Survival of the fittest" but that does not mean we are the masters or royalty compared to animals. Look at the facts, we have taken everything from these animals- their home, their food, their freedom, their lives in some cases.
“I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.”
My views on animal rights have always been pretty forceful. Once I had to pick a topic in college to give a speech on anything that moved me and my obvious choice was animal rights and wildlife protection. By the time I finished my speech I was exhilarated to point of bursting. I had pretty good round of applause and my classmates then on sometimes referred to as an "Animal Lover". Animals are so much more easy to comprehend than humans sometimes.― Abraham Lincoln
“Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.”
― Steve IrwinDon't watch the following videos if you have a light heart or stomach, it contains pretty cruel ways of how much we abuse the power of being the most evolved. But do watch them if you have any love for animals at all.
It took me a while to realize that a lot of global issues we have now- global warming, air pollution, growing number of diseases- are all related to each other and the root cause of it is the human beings unending selfishness. In conclusion I would just like to request everybody to stop buying leather or ivory products for a start. Only if there is demand will the poaching happen and if there isn't, these animals might just have a chance to live. It's a start.
PEACE ON EARTHWe have not inherited our earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our future generation of children. If not in the same condition, it's our responsibility to give it to them in the same state as it was given to us.You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.”
― John Lennon