Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Some of you would have read the title of this blog as "I am Perfect" and the others as "Imperfect". I honestly have no idea what that says about a person. Maybe it would mean something to those who read it.

Am not going to bore you with the psycho-analysis of "glass is half full or half empty"(mostly because I don't know anything about that sort of analysis). I have thought about this topic long and hard. I want to share my view with others. I might be wrong of-course, but I would still like you to read my views completely before forming an opinion about it.

I can't speak for everybody but what this blog says comes from my observation on myself and a few close friends.

Everybody has things or qualities about themselves that they either love or hate. Could be to do with their looks, their possessions, their jobs, their attitude towards others or their outlook on life. It's quite natural of-course. A person might hate a particular thing about themselves but it would seem that the others love the very same thing about that person-the vice versa of this could be true as well.

More often then not the phrase "Grass is greener on the other side" comes into play. In some ways this is a good situation as it would put them on the road to better themselves, but not so good in many other ways.

There are people who think they are super perfect. But in reality they are lying to themselves and the rest of the world. Everybody is prefect and imperfect in their own unique way. That's what makes each and every one of us so special. Sure, some people seem to be more admired than you are, some are more popular among friends than you are, but atleast you are being honest with yourself. You don't have to pretend to be someone perfect to get people to like you. Even if you do make friends this way there's no chance this kind of friendship could last for any amount of time. But if being honest makes loyal and true friends then that should be your option. If people are only friends with you because you are perfect then your life is better off without them.

Perfection is the most imperfect thing on earth. Don't waste your time trying to please others with something. They might be friendly at that instant of time but remember that you are taking all this effort to impress someone who might disapprove of the very thing that you changed for them. What am trying to say is once you change something to impress someone, you might have to change something or the other over and over again until your unique identity is lost amongst the lies you so carefully concocted.

Sometimes in some relations you do have to change certain things about yourselves but relationships works both ways. If you change something for family or friendship to sail more smoothly, make sure the other person change as much as well without both sides losing their identities.

Nobody is totally perfect. Everybody has their own quirks, that's what makes them so unique.
Habits like that annoying little voice you use when talking to some people or having a bulbous nose or having to look over somebody shoulder every-time  due to your shortness or that little extra weight you have been  carrying around are all part of it. What you find so annoying about yourself might be the very thing everybody around you admires in you, it's just that you refuse to accept the true beauty of the gift you have been given naturally. The best relations are those where you are accepted by the person just as you are without any change and with all your quirks intact.
"The sooner you accept that you are special and unique, the easier your life becomes."
"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself and  especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he/she really is.” 
You have been these particular features or qualities for a reason. Don't try to analyse the reason, but try to enjoy whatever life has given you. You have been given this life, it's a gift. Don't waste it trying to impress people around you. The world is fickle minded-you do something, they talk; you don't do something, they talk. Whatever happens, be honest with yourself. It's your life and you have the right to live it the way you want without being judged by anybody.

Am not saying that trying to be perfect is wrong, but not at the cost of hurting yourself and others in the process. Be yourself, love yourself just the way you are. You might not be perfect in the eyes of the world but the world, like I said is fickle minded and will forget you in seconds but true relations and friends won't and will last forever.